What is Oscillation Vibration?

A pivotal vibration plate vibrates from a centre axis in a see-saw like motion. Pivotal vibration is sometimes referred to as Oscillation vibration. The frequency (how fast the machine performs 1 cycle of movement) range on a pivotal machine is usually lower than that of triplanar (or Linear) Vibration but operates at a higher vertical amplitude (the distance the place moves up and down). There is a fairly big difference between the 2 main vibration types and essentially comes down to your comfort level on the type of motion and what you want to accomplish. Pivotal platforms produce less head vibration, but you may not feel as intense a workout as a triplanar vibration machine because of less muscle contractions per second. However, because the amplitude of the machine is so much higher then triplanar, this up and down movement causes a significant pumping action on the body. This significantly improves circulation, and body detoxification.

When purchasing a pivotal vibration machine, you should always ensure the platform has a full range of frequency. Many machines being sold on the market today only reach frequencies below 20Hz. Such machines often make claims based on research that was performed on frequencies beyond the limits of their machine. Other factors include ensuring the machine can give you a frequency reading, and ensuring the machine gives an accurate reading of frequency.

Both pivotal and triplanar machines can help you achieve the benefits of Whole Body Vibration and ultimately comes down to your comfort level for each motion and what you want to achieve. If in doubt, feel free to give us a call and we can help you pick out a machine that works for you.